Mikhail Khoury

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Hello Internet Explorer! Welcome to my website. Here you’ll find a variety of odd creations, mostly of an impractical nature. These include a drawing machine, a zolly machine, some engineering gizmos, and some woodworking projects. (Here’s a complete list.) Behind the scenes, I’m an amateur treasure hunter/curator; I carefully collect passing light, peculiar music1 and inspirational design relics. If you want to know more about me, click here. For a link to an incredible and unrelated interview, click here. (If nothing else on this website captured your curiosity, that last link certainly will.) Mikhail

1 My taste in music spans all continents, time periods and genres. To name a few favorites: a good old-fashioned western tale, an Italian spotlight, Brazilian poetry, a masterpiece performance, a contagious rhythm, an electric guitar biography, an accordion marathon and a guitar marathon.